Arizona Desert Quail Guides
Matt exclusively hunts over Braque du Bourbonnais pointers from the original Cactus Country Kennels and now owns Double Aero Kennels.
Cactus Country Aero Nova Cazadora
Aero is the 839th Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. In 2024, Aero is now 12 years old and is a joy to own and hunt. Her ability to point coveys and singles is amazing. Aero has hunted in Arizona, New Mexico, Nebraska, California, Oregon, Nevada, Oklahoma, Colorado and Montana. She’s notorious for pinching coveys as her fellow staff members point them. She has now hunted these upland birds in her life:
Mearns’ Quail
Gambel’s Quail
Scaled Quail
Valley Quail
Bobwhite Quail
Mountain Quail
Sage grouse
Ruffed grouse
Sharp-tailed grouse
Hungarian Partridge
Blue/Dusky Grouse
Prarie Chicken
Snow Goose (not upland, but she retrieved it!)
Cactus Country Quiver Me Timbers
Quiver is the 1,006th Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. In 2024, Quiver is now 9 years old and is incredible in the field at such an early age. Her ability to find birds at long distances is unbelievable. Quiver has hunted in Arizona, New Mexico, Nebraska, California, Oregon, Nevada, Oklahoma, Colorado and Montana.
She has now hunted these upland birds in her life:
Mearns’ Quail
Gambel’s Quail
Scaled Quail
Valley Quail
Bobwhite Quail
Mountain Quail
Sharp-tailed grouse
Hungarian Partridge
Blue/Dusky Grouse
Prarie Chicken
Cactus Country Nitrogenous
REST IN PEACE, boy. Nitro is the 990th Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. In December of 2022 just before the Mearns’ opener, Nitro passed away at 8 years old. He was stellar in the field on pointing coveys and finding missing birds. He will certainly be missed by all. He had hunted these upland birds during his life:
Mearns’ Quail
Gambel’s Quail
Scaled Quail
Bobwhite Quail
Valley Quail
Sharp-tailed grouse
Hungarian Partridge
Blue/Dusky Grouse
Cactus Country Arizona
Zona is the 1,106th Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. In 2024, Zona is 7 years old and is an amazing pointer. Her desire to find birds, dead or alive, shows her incredible drive in the field. She loves to retrieve! Wild birds in Arizona and also in Eastern Oregon are her passion. She has now hunted these upland birds in her life:
Bobwhite Quail
Valley Quail
Mearns’ Quail
Scaled Quail
Gambel’s Quail
Blue/Dusky Grouse
Hungarian Partridge
Cactus Country Extraneous Solution
Extra is the 1,169th Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. She came home to us in early February of 2018. On her first training session, her ability to scent birds from a distance was incredible. Her stamina is amazing. She gets extra points for style in the field. She has hunted in Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, Nebraska, Nevada, Colorado and California. In 2024, she is 6 years old and has now hunted these upland birds in her life:
Blue/Dusky Grouse
Valley Quail
Mearns’ Quail
Gambel’s Quail
Bobwhite Quail
Scaled Quail
Mountain Quail
Hungarian Partridge
Sharp-tailed Grouse
Prarie Chicken
Cactus Country Genius Jacque
Jacque is the 1,204th Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. At an early age, he picked up pointing and retrieving. He has an incredibly soft mouth when bringing the bird back in hand. In 2024, he is 5 years old and has hunted these upland birds in his life:
Gambel’s Quail
Scaled Quail
Mearns’ Quail
Cactus Country Una mas Cazadora
Una is the 1,391st Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. Una has already hunted in Arizona, Nebraska, New Mexico, Nevada, Colorado and Oregon. In 2024, Una is now 3 years old and has already hunted these upland birds in her life:
Gambel’s Quail
Scaled Quail
Mearns’ Quail
Sharp-tailed grouse
Prarie Chicken
Dusky Blue Grouse
Valley Quail
Hungarian Partridge
Cactus Country Unique Roxy Cazadora
Roxy is the 1,393rd Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Cactus Country Kennels. Roxy has hunted in Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado and in Nevada. In 2024, Roxy is now 3 years old and has already hunted these upland birds in her life:
Gambel’s Quail
Scaled Quail
Mearns’ Quail
Dusky Blue Grouse
Hungarian Partridge
Double Aero Western Ambush Cazadora
Western is the 1,533rd Braque du Bourbonnais born and NAVHDA registered in the US through Double Aero Kennels. In 2024, Western is now 8 months old and is amazing in the field at such an early age. Her ability to find birds in low wind conditions is amazing. Western has hunted in Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. She has these upland species under her belt already:
Gambel’s Quail
Scaled Quail
Mearns’ Quail
Dusky Blue Grouse